
New shelter SusyUtzinger Tierschutz

New shelter for the Susy Utzinger Foundation for Animal Welfare in Romania
The Susy Utzinger Foundation for Animal Welfare has been active in Romania for several years: In addition to negotiations with politicians, further training for animal rights activists, professional training for veterinarians and large-scale castration campaigns, the focus is on direct animal help for Swiss animal rights activists: under adverse circumstances, makeshift projects are provided Optimized animal shelters and provided first aid (this can also include feeding) to hundreds of dogs and cats. Thanks to donations, the Swiss Animal Welfare Foundation was able to build a new animal shelter according to European standards in the Romanian industrial city of Galati (near the Ukrainian border). The first dogs moved in in September 2014: Most of them were in a closed (and heated) room for the first time in their lives and were lying on a soft surface in a dog bed for the first time. In the winter of 14/15 these animals will no longer be snowed in in their outdoor kennels, but will find shelter in the dry and heated new halls.
The puppy and cat stations are currently being moved into and the quarantine station will soon be ready for occupancy. Work is now being carried out on another dog wing and on the veterinary clinic.
This winter, 250 dogs and all domestic cats are expected to be able to spend in the new houses. Then the first stage of construction is completed and we have to collect money for the second stage.
Despite careful planning and focusing on the bare essentials, this project presents us with a financial challenge that we need your help to overcome. For the halls in which we can accommodate the rest of the home dogs, we are dependent on further donations.
-> Here you can find the Swiss television documentary from 2012 about our work in Galati:
-> Here you can find out more about the reasons why a new animal shelter in Galati is so urgently needed: http: // /…/ SUST_Arbeitsblaetter …
-> Here you can find the plan of the new shelter of the Susy Utzinger Foundation for Animal Welfare: http: // /…/ Screenshot-2014-07-04 …
-> Please help us to bear this financial burden. Here you can donate online for the construction of the other animal shelter buildings:…/einzahlen/einlösungen/