Category: Stories



YES, this is Leya🐶❤️ Dreams come true 👏👏.Do you remember little Leya, found in Independența commune? She was brought to us with severe skin problems; with a fragile immunity he also hardly defeated parvovirus. Treated and loved, Leya blossomed like a flower. Nothing reminds him of the past now. The fur shines with health and […]

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Help Lăbuș

Help Lăbuș

🐶💥 It’s summer, and the hot days also affect the animals in the Help the Paw shelter. Where we could, we put cool sheets, and daily we sprinkle the pens with water. However, it is not enough when temperatures exceed 30 degrees Celsius. To help them get through the hot weather, we really need the […]

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Good ambassadors

Good ambassadors

Luna and Tazz got to kindergarten. We knew we had smart, well-behaved puppies ready to become reliable companions. And what could be more beautiful than a sincere meeting between children and puppies? The other day, Luna and Tazz met the children from Kindergarten no. 36 “Mihai Eminescu” and it was very nice. The little ones […]

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Sterilized animals

Sterilized animals

Sterilized animals, happy mistress 🤗❤I presented to you the case of Mrs. Gabriela from Braila. kind-hearted people from Ein Herz für Fellnasen in Not e.V. they jumped to his aid and paid the sterilization costs.Thus, 30 cats can no longer generate unwanted puppies.We thank Gabriela for her care for the animals and we thank Ein […]

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Leya, “the ugliness of the earth” from com.Independenta 🙂The little puppy was wandering through the commune in an extremely miserable state of health; When we arrived, we initially thought that her sadness came from her “physical appearance”, but I found that parvovirus was the real reason for her upset. ei 🙏 ❤; it came to […]

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Victory !

Victory !

The dramatic life of the puppy guarding her dead baby changes its trajectory. We remind you that she was found abandoned on the outskirts of the commune. Beautiful with the two chicks, one was adopted by a kind man and the other was crushed by a car. mother, who was suddenly left without children, guarded […]

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I didn’t give her much chance of survival, but luck was on her side. The years went by, about 14 ❤️, it was hard, cold winters, difficult times sometimes, but we took care of Olivia as best we could, and she knows it. Olivia was not lucky enough to have a home of her own, […]

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It’s been three months since I brought him into the big Labus family. the Handsome Boy, he grew up like no other in seven years; the calf is big now, and I run out of air when I look at it ❤. He certainly knows how I feel about him.We promised her a happy, long […]

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Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan ❤The cat “karatist” went through a large scale, 2 months ago, when I found him anchored upside down, with his foot knotted around a thick wire. was struggling to make ends meet. Well, for about two months he behaved with Gabriela with the same “talent”: scratching, spitting, eating on the sly after being […]

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