
The access road to the shelter

The access road to the shelter

Many times we have asked for your help, we have hoped and we have relied on you, all those on our page. As never before, our cry resonated beyond expectations; the institutions on which our daily roads to the shelter depend have been assaulted by the notifications received from the Galatians and not only. We bow to the solidarity you have shown. The deputy mayors, Sorin Enache and Picu Roman, and the director of the CFR regional, Mr. Ciotirca met and after long discussions decided to postpone the implementation of the decision to block the access road. They assured us that they will look for solutions to solve this situation, which we look forward to with interest and gratitude.
On the occasion of this trouble, we won the support and trust of the lawyer Cosmina Adnana Oprea, who assures us on the court side that we will not go through this nightmare.
Labusei, we are not, you are not alone !!!

We ask for your support! Help us to help them!
1200 animals are waiting for us every day, be it rain, storm, blizzard, drought, frost or heat wave; we have reached this impressive number of animals hosting abandoned, injured, needy animals, found by you and us in the city of Galati. Many of you already know the way to the shelter, you have come to us injured animals, for sterilization campaigns, or just to visit us.
We are facing a difficult situation: we have been informed that the access road will be closed starting from July 6. We are blocked, embarrassed in front of such a measure by CFR, the company that put this decision in mind, invoking the lack of a road authorized and recognized by the City Hall. We pay huge taxes to the municipality because we are in town but we will not be helped to reach our properties.
We are looking for support in all of you, our life is there, over the railway line, where 1200 animals gathered from the streets of Galati have been waiting for us for over 10 years. We have a little over 10 days to change, to stop this nightmare.
If we can no longer reach the shelter, the telephone numbers that are constantly called 0751024562, 0724305053 will be closed. The mayor’s office, ISU should respond to emergency calls with injured animals, and moreover, we will have to release the animals.

Ask them to find us the optimal solution, don’t listen to us.